International opportunities
Aldo Galli Academy of Fine Arts has entered into several agreements with universities and academic institutions around the world to offer students from partner institutions the opportunity to participate in international mobility programs.
The Aldo Galli Academy of Fine Arts in Como represents a reality of excellence in the field of High Art Education at national and international level.
Since 2010 part of the IED network, it benefits from the link with international networks such as CAE (Culture Action Europe), CUMULUS (International Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design and Media), ELIA (The European League of the Institute of Arts), ENCATC (European Network on Cultural Management and Policy) and WDO (World Design Organization). The Academy increasingly recognizes the need for international integration and cooperation in the field of higher education, hoping for the building of strengthened partnerships with prestigious European and international academies and universities.

increasingly recognizes the need for international integration and cooperation in the field of Higher Education and for this reason has chosen to participate in the Erasmus program (KA1 and KA2 actions) in order to provide new opportunities for staff, students and faculty.
Through participation in the Erasmus project, students are given mobility opportunities at partner institutions, not only within academic semesters but also through curricular internship opportunities.
International Calls for Tenders
Accademia Aldo Galli maintains international relations with prestigious European universities and institutions of high culture, promotes teaching and artistic research activities with important European and non-European nations; organizes exhibitions, cultural events, conferences in collaboration with the most significant national and international university and cultural institutions.