International Master's Programs and Master of Arts Scholarships Competition
Seize the opportunity, 7 Scholarships available
If you dream of working in the creative field, Accademia di Como Aldo Galli is the right place to develop your skills.
Choose our Master's programs and Master of Arts courses: they are designed in partnership with important companies and provide the necessary resources to develop a solid professional identity. To enroll in our courses, you must have a three-year degree, an equivalent Diploma or have gained at least two years of work experience in the chosen Master.
Do you have all the requirements? Take advantage of the incentive dedicated to you!
Accademia di Como helps you achieve your goals by offering 3 Scholarships covering 50% of tuition fee and 4 tutorship* covering 50% of tuition fee for Master of Arts courses and Master’s programs 2025/2026.
Read the regulations, register and upload all required documents by March 10th 2025.
Regulation for Master of Arts courses
Regulation for Master’s programs
*Tutor is a regularly enrolled student that fits into the training processes ensuring a steady presence who becomes a reference point for other students, the academic staff and teachers. A motivated, resourceful, outgoing and reliable person with good interpersonal skills, excellent relational abilities and content transfer skills
- Download and read the regulation.
- Select the course you are interested in and complete the registration form.
- Provide the required documents that you can find into the regulation.
- Upload all required material by March 10th 2025.
- To enroll in our courses, you must have a three-year degree, an equivalent Diploma or have gained at least two years of work experience in the relevant field.
- Candidates need to show proficiency in the course language at a minimum B2 level.
- Concept evaluation will be carried out by a Panel made of directors and teachers coming from the Schools of Design, Fashion, Visual Arts, Communication, Management.
- The selection will be online, through an aptitude test and an interview selection, and it will take place within April 11th, 2025.