44 Scholarships for Accademia Galli and IED Undergraduate and Foundation Courses in Italy and Spain

Scholarship Competition Undergraduate and Foundation Courses 2023-2024
10 October 2022
Accademia di Belle Arti “Aldo Galli”, Istituto Europeo di Design and Kunsthal Centro Superior de Diseño SL provide 44 scholarships, covering 50% of the tuition fee, to support young talents who wish to study abroad, by attending an Undergraduate or a Foundation course in Italy or Spain *.
In line with the IED Square meeting program that involved last year students of the Undergraduate IED courses, Accademia di Belle Arti “Aldo Galli” asks its future students to reflect on the theme of TRANSITION and to propose design solutions by answering the following questions:
What role can the designer play in the transition processes? Should they look to the future and the final state? Should they focus on the present thinking about solutions to be adopted during the change? Should we accelerate or simply follow the transition?
Concept Examples The following projects have been selected among the works of Undergraduate students who graduated in 22/23, as they are related to the theme of the scholarship competition. We reconstructed the steps required by the Briefing and imagined providing a design response through these works.
To participate in the selection for Scholarships, it is necessary to read carefully the regulations, register and upload the requested material no later than 30 November 2022.
* Students resident in Italy can apply for the scholarship for the Undergraduate courses offered in Spain while students resident in Spain can apply for the Undergraduate and Foundation courses offered in Italy. All other international students can apply for Undergraduate and Foundation courses in Italy or Spain.
On November 3rd, IED Italy, IED Spain, Accademia Aldo Galli and Kunsthal are organising a webinar to give you all the details about the courses involved in the competition, to explain the brief and examples of projects from which you can take inspiration for your work.
Register for the competition to take part in the webinar.